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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Organize / Day 30

I want you guys to help me rearrange my room for most room/efficiency, Help me out!! I will post pictures if I end up rearranging my room according to someones idea!

Day 30 – Your favorite movie of all time
I honestly cant decide on one movie, so I will split this between Requiem for a Dream and No Country for Old Men. I've already talked about both of these movies, I love them both, that is all. Movie challenge done! woo.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I'm just going to start this post by announcing that NPH is awesome. And I think it's funny that he plays such a hardcore womanizer in pretty much everything he acts in..but he's gay. If I ever got a tattoo, it would probably be a picture of him with the caption WWNPHD (What would Neil Patrick Harris do?). Anyways, Almost done with this movie challenge. So far I'd say the challenge has been okay, although the questions are usually pretty vague and I ended choosing movies that are probably on everyone elses list. This movie challenge has made me not want to blog as much anymore, and that sucks, so as soon as its over (Tomorrow), I'll start posting some more actual content.

Day 26 – A movie that you love but everyone else hates
I'm going to switch this one around to "A movie that you hated but everyone else loves"
District 9 (2009)


Neill Blomkamp 1/10
I don't know why I hate this movie so much but I do. I went and seen this in theaters like most of my friends had. It was one of most boring things I've ever had to sit through. The biggest thing that annoyed me was how it was filmed like a documentary. When this movie is deep in, I find myself lost, It seems to switch randomly from documentary to actual movie. What really annoys me is when there is the big fight scene (EXPLOSIONS YEAH!!!), there are suddenly news helicopters everywhere that seem to notice everything. I thought it was a big mess, but everyone seems to think of it as an amazing Sci Fi movie. Runner up would be True Grit (2010).

Day 27 – A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters
No Country for Old Men (2007)


Ethan Coen, Joel Coen 10/10
This could be my favorite movie, I love it. I don't even know where to start on why I like it. This movie is so suspenseful that it is pretty difficult at some parts to watch. And instead of using the typical scary music, these scenes have no music at all. It is brilliant in my opinion. Another aspect that made me really like this movie is the villain. The villain is so evil looking, and his funny haircut just shows how alienated he is from society. The movie does end on a weird note, but I don't want to spoil anything, watch this movie!

Day 28 – Favorite movie from your favorite director
Boogie Nights (1997)


Paul Thomas Anderson 10/10
At this point, I don't really have a favorite director, but for now I'll choose Paul Thomas Anderson. I first heard about this movie in 2009, which I know, is pretty late. Obviously, I'm going to love a movie about  porn stars especially during the 70s. What really is amazing about this movie are the long uncut scenes. This makes the parties look real and full of life and its amazing that PTA did this. Good movie, watch it.

Day 29 – A movie from your childhood
The Jungle Book (1967)


Wolfgang Reitherman 10/10
There were a lot of movies I considered before choosing The Jungle Book but this movie stood out. It's so happy and full of life. I wish I could sing with a bear about the bear necessities.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lazy 22/23/24/25

This picture pretty much sums up what I've been doing with my summer. I am willing to bet that there is no one lazier then me. I stay up all night playing games, then I sleep all day, just to wake up and take a nap. I amaze even myself sometimes. Who else wakes up around 3-4 PM? Haha anyways, here are 4 days of movie challenges I was too lazy to do that day.

Day 22 – Favorite documentary
Super High Me (2007)


Michael Blieden 10/10
I definitely love documentaries. I've watched many, from Gas Land to Esoteric Agenda. But my favorite documentaries are the ones about weed. Super High Me is about Doug Benson's test with weed. It is slightly similar to Super Size Me, with things being done in 30 day tests. First is 30 days with no weed, or anything else, including alcohol. Then after that, He has to smoke weed for 30 days straight, pretty much being high 24/7. It's not really as informative as others, but it's pretty damn entertaining.

Day 23 – Favorite animation
Wall-E (2008)


Andrew Stanton 10/10
I watched Wall-E sometime in 2010 because at one point, I did not trust animated movies. I thought they were childish movies for kids. Once I seen Wall-E, my mind was changed. I never knew that there could be GOOD animated movies. Wall-e is everything, scary, funny, and completely interesting. I will always mension this movie whenever talking about good animated films with friends or in class, or whatever the situation. Another favorite would also be Up.

Day 24 – That one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
Not really to sure what to do for this, but I'm still waiting for an epic movie that has to do with trains and the sun exploding. Thats my awesome movie idea =D
Day 25 – The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen
Airplane! (1980) 10/10

Directed by
Jim Abrahams 
David Zucker 
Jerry Zucker
The comedy genre is probably my favorite of all types of movies. So I watch ALOT of comedies. This movie has no contest in my opinion. It's brilliant, and all the cheesy things they add just make it that much better. The repeated things make this movie even funnier. "I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.Every time I hear that quote, I crack up and start laughing. Watch this movie!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

APB and 18/19/20/21

I've been real lazy about posting blogs and even things like texting people back, and thats because I've been playing APB Reloaded. For those of you who have no idea what it is, it's a really bad ass game. When I describe it to people, I usually say it is like GTA (Grand Theft Auto) if it was an MMO. The graphics are fantastic as well, even on the minimal graphics setting, it still looks really good. And like all MMO's, there are two sides. There are the Enforcers and the Criminals. The enforcers are pretty much licensed vigilantes while criminals are just criminals. I am of course a criminal because, come on, obeying the law is pretty lame. Right now APB is in Open Beta, and it is free to play, so I recommend trying it out. Add me, I'm on the US West server and my name is waa97. Here is the APB Reloaded blog : and here is what you need to download to get started :

Day 18 – A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen
Let the Right One In (2008)


Tomas Alfredson 10/10
This is definitely a movie that I wish had been seen. This movie came out the same year as Twilight and was pretty much unheard of. And of course it didn't help that this is a foreign film. This is a good vampire movie, believe it or not, and I wish that it had been recognized instead of terrible films like Twilight. This movie is pretty brutal at points, and the acting is great. The movie Let Me In (2010) is actually a remake of Let the Right One In, and although I didn't actually see it myself, I heard the remake was good as well, so I recommend watching them both.

Day 19 – Favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.
Fight Club (1999)


David Fincher 10/10
Fight club is one of my favorite movies so it is no surprise I choose it for favorite movie based on a book/comic. I liked this movie so much that I actually bought the book that the movie was based on. This movie has so many subtle hints about whats actually going, it's brilliant directing in my eyes. For those who haven't seen this movie, Edward Norton plays an insomniac who eventually creates a cult with Brad Pitt's character Tyler Durden (who is a total badass btw).

Day 20 – Favorite movie from your favorite actor/actress
American History X (1998)


Tony Kaye 10/10
If I had to choose a favorite actor, I would choose Edward Norton. Fight Club and American History X are two of my favorite movies. It's fitting that Day 19 and 20 happened to end up with two Edward Norton movies. Whenever I talk about actors with friends, I always choose Edward Norton and feel amazing until someone mentions The Incredible Hulk, which doesn't count in my head.. This movie has the famous curb stomp scene, and it makes me cringe every time.

Day 21 – Favorite action movie
Boondock Saints (1999)


Troy Duffy 10/10
I'm not really a fan of action movies. Have you ever heard, the more helicopters in a movie, the worse it is? Well almost every action movie that comes out now of days has a ton of helicopters or even worse; EXPLODING helicopters. Boondock Saints isn't anything like that, it's actually good! This is an amazing shooter movie. These two brothers pretty much have an epiphany from god to rid their town of evil men. That might sound cheesy, but when you see some of the epic scenes from this movie, you'd love it just as much as me.

Monday, May 30, 2011


So I was just browsing the internet, and a concerned parent asked if Jenkem was a codename for weed or a drug, as her kid had said something about it in an IM. I'm so surprised at what I found. It is definitely not marijuana, I'm not sure what to even call it. According to the fox news video I linked down below, it is often called 'Butt Hash'.
Jenkem is an alleged hallucinogenic recreational drug composed of noxious gas formed from fermented sewage
 After searching a little more, I found an actual recipe for Jenkem from an anonymous source.

Warning: This mixture has been known to produce extreme hallucinations, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
Tetralyte is produced by mixing fecal matter and the fatty acids found in beef.

-Ground Beef (30% Lean)
-Fecal Matter
-Pineapple Juice, Lemon Juice, Urine
-Squeeze fat from beef into small bowl
-Mix with fecal matter and place in cooking pot
-Put on stove at high heat for 5 minute while slowly stirring in the juice/urine
-Remove from burner and immediately pour into air-tight container
-Attach balloon or other expandable device to capture gas

Sounds delicious right? I guess it feels similar to taking Cocaine. Apparently all subjects who have used Jenkem disliked the taste of shit in their mouth and the fact that the taste lasted for several days.

Other names : Winnie, Shit, Runners, Butthash, Waste, Devil's Chocolate, Cheese, Fruit from Crack Pipe, Leroy Jenkems (I lol'd), and Might.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Day 15 – A character who you can relate to the most

The Big Lebowski (1998)
Directed by
Joel Coen
Ethan Coen
I seriously love this movie, its pretty much a perfect comedy. I would say I relate to The Dude. I'm just as lazy as him, and the only 'sport' I do really is bowling. He pretty much doesn't care what other people think, and I love that. Just like him and his robe, I'll walk into a store with pajamas on, get what I want, drink it on the way to the counter haha. Dude.

Day 16 – A movie that you used to love but now hate
Kick-Ass (2010)


Matthew Vaughn 5/10
I went to see Kick-Ass with a friend of mine at the movies. I thought it was great, what I really liked were the scenes of violence, especially the warehouse scene, which blew my mind at the time. Just a couple weeks ago I noticed Kick-Ass was on Netflix, so I decided to watch it. It was awful. I guess being with my friend had distracted me from the horrible acting. I think what made it a challenge was the dialogue from the comic (I'm only speculating). Saying things like "Oh dear child" isn't really normal. Only good actors in my opinion was Chloe Moretz(Hit Girl) and  Aaron Johnson(Kick-Ass), and possibly Kick-Ass'es friends.

Day 17 – A movie that disappointed you the most
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)


David Yates 5/10

I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and the older movies of the series. The latest movies have been so dark and terrifying. I skipped the midnight premier as I had a film class that I was going to watch it with the same day as the premier. I hated it. Every little part of this movie was awful. The chase scene is what first made me angry, It was back to being childish, I couldn't help but facepalm. The rest of the movie kills me. Watching people stand around in the woods for an hour wasn't exactly what I was looking forward too. Nothing happened, and when people tell me, "oh well thats because the second half has all the action" I get so annoyed. I don't care about the second half, a boring movie is a boring movie. I did like how the director followed the book in much more detail then past movies, but I felt bad for people who have not read the books; It leaves those who have not read the book behind.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hangover 2 Review and Day 14/13

The Hangover Part II! Last night I had the pleasure of watching the midnight premier. And to be honest, I would have to rate it a 7/10. This movie seemed to lack the charm of the original Hangover.

What really bothered me throughout the movie was Alan (Zach Galifianakis). In the first movie, his awkward sayings and behaviors where the reason he was so funny and really livened up the whole thing. If anyone has seen Due Date, you know that there is definitely a limit on the awkward behavior before it just comes annoying and completely unfunny. I had prayed that Todd Phillips wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Hangover 2 was in the middle, behavior wise, between Hangover and Due Date, which is still too much Alan for me.

Hangover Part II unbalanced the mix of shock and creativity by really ramping up the shock. Sure it's shocking, but not really funny or interesting.. This movie really lacked in the witty sayings of Hangover 1. Where is the new 'One Man Wolfpack'! Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but who knows.

Too be honest, I am starting to lose faith in Todd Phillips. And even though Hangover 2 has a 32% percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I am already sure that a Hangover 3 will probably come out!

Day 14 – A movie that no one would expect you to love
Sixteen Candles (1984)


John Hughes 9/10
I'm pretty sure anyone who knows me would never ever think this as a movie I like. I usually watch a lot of violent movies, so Sixteen Candles is definitely not the usual thing. I actually was bored one day and watched this on tv. The thing is, I like 80's high school movies, who doesn't!? They are so..funny but in an 80's unique way of being funny. Oh and Molly Ringwald was pretty cute.

Day 13 – A movie that is a guilty pleasure

Avatar (2009)


James Cameron 8/10
There is no doubt about it, this is the most overrated movie there is. This movie ended its theater showings with a total gross of $2,782,275,172 dollars worldwide. And it really does seem to copy from Titanic and from Pocahontas. It also has a really obvious political message; That armies and corporations are bad. Even with all of that combined, I still love this movie. I actually seen this movie in 3d on the midnight premier. I think the 3d is what bought me, it was amazing, it was almost too life like at some points.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 11/12

Day 12 – A movie that you hate
Sorry I missed a day!
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)


Adam McKay 0/10
I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for posting this movie as a movie I hate, but... I hate this movie so much. I don't know why I hate it! My friends all love it, we all have the same type of humor. Just the cheap jokes get to me, and I don't think Will Ferrell is as funny as he thinks he is. I've watched this movie two-three times, and I've never enjoyed it. Oh well.

Day 11 – A movie that changed your opinion about something

The Dark Knight (2008)


Christopher Nolan 9/10
This movie changed my mind about a lot of things. About Christopher Nolan as a director. He is one of the best directors there are, and before this movie, I didn't really see him that way. I also really love the characters, batman and the joker. The main thing where the opinions of the actors. Christian Bale has always been a eh.. actor for me, and Heath Ledger to me was that guy from Brokeback Mountain. Christian Bale, along with his great performance from The Fighter, is now an amazing artist in my eyes. The Joker, Heath Ledger is what makes the movie and this really makes me sad that he died before making more movies.


New York City has increased the area where people cannot smoke, a no-smoking area. The no-smoking area has increased by 29,000 acres. Thats pretty damn big.
now that it is illegal to light up in parks and on beaches, the New York Post reported Tuesday.
 That sounds pretty fascist to me. Honestly the smell of others smoking does bother me. But if I take a few steps away, I'm fine. Do we really need to make sure there is no one in the park smoking? Where else is it going to be illegal to smoke after this. And if I'm not mistaken, this sort of contradicts something. That something would be our amendments.
Amendment 10 - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
I'm no expert on the constitution or the amendments so I could be wrong. Feel free to mention other infractions :D. I've also always thought that the ban on all restaurants was silly as well. The owners should be allowed to decide if smoking in their property is okay or not. I'm really tired of all this anti smoking propaganda that gets passed around. People are going to do what they want, and people know it slowly kills you. Leave people be.
I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.  ~Robert Frost

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 10 – Favorite classic movie

Day 10 – Favorite classic movie
Seven Samurai (1954)


Akira Kurosawa 10/10
I'm not to sure what this movie challenge means by 'classic movie' but I chose Seven Samurai anyways. This movie is really long, but it is another one of my favorites for sure. I love samurai movies, this might be the best of them. Most violent films fail to show the  repercussions of the violence itself. This movie doesn't ignore the consequences. This movie gets to my savage side, I like seeing the bad guy get cut up and lose. This movie is pretty dark, a enemy would be knocked off his horse, and try to crawl away while the villagers would stab him. I recommend it!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the world

May 21, 2001. Today is supposed to be the end of the world.  This reminded me of one of my favorite songs, Ænema by Tool .

I honestly feel bad for the people who truly believed in this 'End of the world' crap. We were supposed to be hit by earthquakes and natural disasters while the chosen people would be taken to heaven.
Instead of a series of earthquakes hitting successive countries at 6pm local time and heralding The Rapture – in which millions of the Faithful would ascend to heaven before the Second Coming of Christ – planet Earth simply carried on and, mostly, kept calm.
These people went ahead and spent millions of dollars trying to 'warn' people of the coming of the end of the world.
Camping and his followers spent more than $100m worldwide on billboards and posters, financed by the sale and swap of radio stations.
I am an atheist, so obviously, I would never be convinced by this guy's predictions. And while I feel bad for these silly Christians who spend more then a 100 Million, I hope they all feel like dicks for creating a stir and making a mockery of their religion. Their 15 minutes of fame will soon be gone. This was a fun experience though, with all the 'let's do something before we die' offers, tell me, what did you do today?

Day 09 – A movie with the best soundtrack

Day 09 – A movie with the best soundtrack

The Social Network! Just Kidding!

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)


Stanley Kubrick 10/10
The other movie I would have chosen would have been A Clockwork Orange. This movie is so strange but at the same time the most brilliant movie I have ever seen. For people with no patients, this movie is definitely hard to watch, It is very slow. The music of this movie makes it even more epic. The models in this movie look so realistic that it blows away CGI effects completely. Kubrick truely was a genious. This movie was made to have an open interpretation of what it all means.

And by the way my hard drive is still acting up, so I'll probably buy a new one, but it's running fine for the mean time.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 08 – A movie that you’ve seen countless times

Day 08 – A movie that you’ve seen countless times
Lazy today, might make an actual blog post later
Knocked Up (2007)


Judd Apatow 10/10
When I watch a movie multiple times, it's usually a funny movie, excluding Requiem for a Dream. I have seen this movie so many times, I pretty much know everything that's going to happen. I love Knocked Up, seriously, it's great. Seth Rogen always gives me a laugh in any movie he plays, just look at his face, gets a giggle everytime. His roommates are hilarious too, just the whole situation with them is a funny thing. I recommend this movie for anyone who wants to laugh.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My hard drive and Day 07 – The most surprising plot twist or ending

Well, it looks like my hard drive has taken a crap. In my past experience, hard drives problems slowly build up, that way you actually know there is something wrong. Mine, however, decided to stop working today randomly.
<-- This is from a screenshot I literally just took. Apparently chrome has corrupt files. Honestly guys, I don't know what to do other then just buy a new hard drive. Could it be possible that there is another problem? My blogs are going to be done for a while on my iPad while I try and get a new hard drive. And since this post is short, Ill just continue my movie challenge here.
Day 07 – The most surprising plot twist or ending

Oldboy (2003)


Chan-wook Park 10/10
This is one of my favorite movies. I love everything about it, its so dark and amazing. This movie definitely has one of the biggest plot twists I have seen. It's pretty clever how the signs are there but at the same time it is completely unpredictable. The main character Oh Dae-Su is imprisoned for 15 years, and after he is released, the movie is spent trying to figure out who placed him there and why. This movie has an amazing fighting scene in a hallway that is completely realistic and the awesome thing is this long fight is all one uncut scene. This movie doesn't lack in blood and violence at all, its one of the most gritty movies I have seen. I recommend this for everyone who hasn't seen it. You don't know what you are missing. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 06 – Favorite made for TV movie

Day 06 – Favorite made for TV movie
Once again, a weak subject for me, don't take this too serious
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island (1998)
I know that Scooby Doo is pretty much played out at this point. But this is nostalgia for me. As a kid I watched pretty much all of the crappy made for TV Scooby Doo movies. Alot of the jokes are based around the fact that they are slightly more grown up then they were in the tv series. They all have jobs, Fred and Daphne are jealous of each other for talking to another person. There is alot of scary action that goes on, and it can get spooky! And once again, I know I chose a Scooby Doo movie, but I don't watch tv =/ Thanks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 05 – Favorite love story in a movie

Day 05 – Favorite love story in a movie stories aren't my thing


James Cameron 7/10
I was a little kid when watching this, so the sex in this movie blew my mind. I think what makes this movie what it is, is the song by Celine Dion. Even an emotionless bastard like me is touched by this song. This movie is alright, although I'd say it is extremely over rated. Not much more to say except, I don't like love stories, so don't hate on me too much. Thanks guys.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Flintstones reboot, wtf?

Well just by the title, you already know what this post is about. The cartoon, The Flintstones, is being rebooted by none other then Seth MacFarlane.
The mastermind behind Family Guy will reboot the classic animated series The Flintstones for Fox.
Now I'm personally disgusted by this. One, he is in no way a mastermind. He's far from it. Family Guy was funny at one point...not anymore, it hasn't been funny for a few seasons. Second, it's a classic cartoon, I don't want it to be tarnished and ruined. Although this cartoon is definitely old, I use to love watching it as a kid. The silly almost cheesy humor was just icing on the cake to me. This isn't a joke either, production is going to start in 2013.
 As for his re-imagination, he said the show has to keep up with the times but some things will remain familiar for old fans.
They are supposed to be prehistoric cavemen, but hes going to make it current with the times? How!? Maybe by adding in some liberal propaganda like he always does in Family Guy? (I'm not republican) I'm going to watch at least the first episode of this show, just to witness how bad it is going to be. P.S: I also like how the article has to tell you what The Flinstones was about, how pathetic.


Day 04 – A movie that makes you sad

Day 04 – A movie that makes you sad

Requiem for a Dream - 2000


Darren Aronofsky 10/10
Requiem for a Dream is seriously one of my favorite movies, it quite possibly could be my favorite. Now the reason I chose this movie as a movie that makes me sad is because it is one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. The ending will leave you feeling terrible. The best acting comes from Ellen Burstyn. Her portrayal as an old lady who is losing her mind is amazing. This movie is all about drugs, and how it ruins 4 peoples lives. This movie has violence, and fucked up sex scenes; Pretty much the combination for the perfect movie. I completely recommend it!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 03 – A movie that makes you really happy

Day 03 – A movie that makes you really happy


Director: Greg Mottola 10/10

Superbad..this movie is definitely my favorite comedy. This came out while I was just starting my sophomore year in high school (I'm 19). This movie made that whole year amazing. I think I have watched this movie probably 20 times since it has came out. And while It's not as surprising as when I first seen it, It still makes me laugh everytime. I think everyone remembers the dick drawing scene. If you want to see the scene, skip the video to 4:40. This movie made me want to party, and do stupid things. I remember watching this movie in theaters and just being blown away by how it captured my humor perfectly. I recommend this movie for anyone (with a sense of humor).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bin Laden...still...

<--This is from a screenshot I took from the CNN website. They have a special section for Bin Laden news, I find that hilarious and annoying at the same time. Why can't it just be news! I wasn't going to comment anymore till I read the names of the articles. Obviously the porn found in the compound is funny news, but I
was more annoyed with "Pakistan parliament condemns U.S. raid". Pakistan's parliament has condemned the United State's actions. Are you fucking kidding me? Excuse my language, but really? Do they think they look good doing this? What is it going to look like if Pakistan does cut off access to the country? It's going to look like they would have cut us off and severed ties because we killed a terrorist they were harboring in their country.
Failure to end unilateral U.S. raids and drone attacks will force Pakistan to "to consider taking necessary steps, including withdrawal of (the) transit facility" used by the NATO's International Security Assistance Force, according to the resolution.
 How do you guys feel? Next, is the "Porn said to be found in compound". I personally find this hilarious. This just pretty much shows this guy was human, weird right? They also describe his porn stash as large. Well of course! We get bored, no one likes to fap to the same thing more then..twice (my opinion). I wonder what he liked, I bet he had an ironic fetish for American women.

Day 02 – The most underrated movie

Day 02 – The most underrated movie

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Directer - Michel Gondry 10/10

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... what an amazing movie. Seriously, I never wanted this movie to end! This is most definitely my favorite Jim Carrey movie. The acting throughout this whole movie was amazing. The only thing that really annoyed me was Kirsten Dunst, just...because. The concept is that a guy is having certain memories of his girlfriend erased away and he is trying to avoid it. It's all sort of like a dream, and thats what really took me by surprise. I loved this movie, and I definitely recommend it! I only heard of this movie maybe last year, I wish I had known about it sooner.

Oh and I thought about it and you guys are all right, Book of Eli really wasn't that good haha. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 1 - The best movie you saw during the last year

I've decided that along with my normal blogs, I will start a challenge. After looking at some tumblr challenges, I decided I would just look up a 30 day movie challenge. The challenge I am doing is here:

Day 1 - The best movie you saw during the last year

The Book of Eli

Directors - Albert HughesAllen Hughes  9/10

The Book of Eli was definitely my favorite movie of 2010. The cinematography was beautiful throughout the whole movie. This movie was truly stunning. What made me really like it was the quick scenes of violence. It was over as quick as it started. Every fight scene in this movie made me sit on the edge of my couch completely interested. My favorite scene was the street shootout. The reason I gave this movie a 9 out of 10 was the ending. The ending was...stupid.. to me at least. Runner up was Inception.

Sleep, is it really necessary?

Yes, it's very necessary! And If you read the name of my blog, you can probably tell I don't get enough of it. I'm sure you have had periods of insomnia as well. A lot of people have a sleep-wake cycle that is longer then 24 hours. That means that if you have a set hour to go to sleep, you are going to have a whole lot of trouble falling back asleep. Sleep is linked with Bipolar Disorder, Depression, and Diabetes, it is also linked with a High IQ.
Recently, scientists discovered a quirky side effect to having a high IQ: You tend to stay up until later hours and get up later in the morning. That's right -- the more intelligent are also much more likely to be night owls
What if I told you there were ways to get around requiring all 8 hours of sleep? Cause it is very possible. One stage of our sleep that we benefit the most from is REM (Rapid eye movement). The thing about the normal 8 hour sleep cycle is that only 1-2 hours are spent in REM. This is where Polyphasic sleep comes in. This is the practice of sleeping multiple times a day.

The Siesta - One 20 minute nap, 6 hours core sleep                                        6.3 total hours
The Everyman 2-nap - Two 20 minute naps, 4.5 hours core sleep                5.2 total hours
The Everyman 3-nap - Three 20 minute naps, 3 hours core sleep                4 total hours
The Everyman 4-nap - Four or five 20 minute naps, 1.5 hours core sleep   2.8 total hours
The Uberman - Six 20 minute naps                                                                       2 total hours

One method to actually falling asleep quickly is to use Paradoxical Intention.
"Paradoxical Intention" is a method to fall asleep more quickly. The trick: try as hard as you can to stay awake with your eyes closed laying in your bed. (it really works!)


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